Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Welcome to my Blogfolio!

This my first ever blogfolio so expect my beginning work to be at a rookie level! I hope that you will enjoy this site as it is dedicated not only to individual learning but also group learning. My colleagues as well as myself are enrolled in IT648: Telecommunications in Education at The University of Southern Mississippi. This course is being taught online by Dr. Steve Yuen and will span across ten weeks of the 2008 summer term. 

My blogfolio was created to give a reflective look at the coursework I have completed within IT 648 featuring personal reflections, assignments and discussions completed during the course. The second purpose of my blogfolio is to help foster individual and group learning between my colleagues within this course and myself. Throughout the semester we were able to review one another's sites allowing us the ability to learn and discuss our findings amongst one another. Links to my colleagues blogs are also posted on my site so that anyone who is interested in checking out their sites will have easy accessibility to do so. 

The blogs you will see posted will be self-reflections on the activities this course  including but not limited to readings, assignments, learning modules and theories studied during the summer of 2008.  The left menu bar of the page will allow you the navigational ability to: learn more about me, view my additional blogs, view colleague's blogs and get the latest news from Apple. I have also included some pictures from some of my experiences as well as some family pictures for your enjoyment. I am looking forward to the new experience of blogging and hope to build experience, knowledge and relationships that will prepare me for a career with technology. Feel free to ask questions, post comments, leave suggestions, or offer feedback. 

1 comment:

Donna Lampkin Stephens said...

Hi Jenn,

It's taken me several days to figure out how to leave a comment -- I thought I had a few days ago -- thanks for commenting on my blog. I can't believe how fun this is. It looks like you're getting lots of practice with blogging -- love yours!